Sunday, 29 April 2012

Every cake has a story

Over the last few years, before Jess' Fondant Cakes began, I have been photographing the cakes I have been making, just as a record for me, remembering the ones I really liked and the memories from those events. As all my cakes are personalised to the recipient, they each have a story. As I have only just started this blog, this seemed a good place to start, showing some of my favourite cakes and the stories behind them. The rest can be found on my website and facebook page

Anemone and clown fish cake

As a trained marine biologist and diver, marine themed cakes will always be a favourite (see the diver cake in later posts). This cake is special to me. Made as a name-day cake for a close friend and felow marine biologist, it was a very easy cake to make and came out quite well, if I do say myself.

Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants Cake

The title of this cake may seem random to most, but this cake was made for a very close friend. As young girls, we both read the "Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants" books (later made into films) so I decided to decorate a cake in the same theme. I enjoyed making this cake, using a number of icing media. Other than having to explain the cake to many people, the cake was much appreciated.

Caveman Dinosaur Cake

I cannot take credit for the design of this cake, as it taken directly from a fondant cake book. I do love this cake though, I managed to make this cake in my kitchen without my boyfriend seeing it, before the day itself. He was very surprised, especially as the man looks a little like him (although in real-life, a little less beardy).

A British Goodbye Cake

A simple but effective designed cake for a young girl emigrating, obviously around Christmas time. She especially appreciated the addition of glitter.

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